“Testing can show the presence of bugs, but not their absence.” [Edsger W. Dijkstra]


This Logger class enables message logging with severities INFO, WARN, FATAL, and EVER to a log file as well as to an Excel sheet.

Using this Logger class is not complicated: Copy general module Logger_Factory and class module Logger from sample file at the end of this page into your own application, then define Public Const AppVersion with value “My Application Version 1.0” for example in your main module, and now you can with

GLogger.info "Info message ..."
GLogger.warn "Warn message ..."
GLogger.fatal "Error message ..."
GLogger.ever "Not suppressable standard message ..."

create your own log messages and store them automatically in sheet Workflow and in log file “My Application Version 1.0_Logfile_yyyymmdd.log” in subfolder Logs.

Please note that I got the initial code for this class from Cliff G. in 2009 which I enhanced later on. Cliff used his class mainly for testing. I found it very helpful to create an audit trail and to let a program explain in detail each and every execution step if required. Furthermore I added version information and system / Excel settings to quickly find out differences between user environments. With this logger I also use to measure simple runtimes of each SQL database query which I invoke from Excel, for example with a code such as:

'Glogger is declared in module LoggerFactory and set in Sub auto_open()
Dim dtStamp As Date
dtStamp = Now
'Retrieve data from database here
Glogger.info "SQL xxx ran " & Format(Now - dtStamp, "n:ss") & " [m:ss]"

See fair random distribution for a usage sample.

Pros and Cons

In my opinion this Logger program offers the most reasonable secondary functionality of any VBA application. You can:

  • test in a traceable manner
  • let a program explain in detail all its execution steps
  • easily see whether more than one user are running a program simultaneously
  • easily detect whether an issue is caused by a different user environment
  • systematically isolate even sporadic application errors
  • convincingly show auditors the correct bugfree application over a longer time period (single log files could be manipulated but a larger set of log files is convincing)
  • roughly measure the runtime of VBA subroutines
  • measure the throughput time of whole processes

The last point above might worry workers' council:

  • if you measure throughput times of whole processes, you can detect the performance of single employees, compare them and potentially use this information against them.

This would be a clear legal breach of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), see (external link) https://gdpr-info.eu/

I never used this logging for performance measurement of my staff or of any user, but I sometimes detected user errors and then performed a re-training. But of course this cannot serve as an argument for its uncritical usage.

I think you can always reach agreement with workers' council by pointing out that this is a voluntary protocol:

  • each user can switch this logging on or off before starting an application
  • each user can delete the log files at any point in time after they have been created

I used and still use this logging in several European countries (UK, Germany) in different companies (banks, insurance companies, IT providers) without any complaint so far.


Compiler constants

Separate_Log_Files_for_each_User - True = Separate daily log files for different users, False = One daily log file for all users

Use_Logger_auto_Open_Close - True will use subs auto_open and auto_close of LoggerFactory, False will not

Logging_on_Screen - Set to True in both LoggerFactory and Logger if you want to log messages also to sheet Workflow (i. e. on screen).

Logging_cashed - Set to True in both LoggerFactory and Logger if you want to speed up the application by writing log messages in one go to the log file at program end. This requires Logging_on_Screen set to True.

Log_WMI_Info - Set to True in LoggerFactory if you like to log interesting Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) information such as processor, memory, disk, and operating system data.

Show_Reference_Details - True = Show all details, False = Just show description.

Logging variables

LogFilePath - Full pathname of log file

SubName - Set at the beginning of each subroutine to enable the logger to report on the right subroutine name

LogLevel - The level for which logging should be performed:

	  1 - Report all log messages: INFO, WARN, FATAL, and EVER
	  2 - Report all log messages but not INFOs
	  3 - Report from FATAL level onwards, i. e. just FATAL and EVER messages
	  4 - Report only EVER messages
	  5 - Switch off logging

LogScreenRow - Row from where to start logging in sheet Workflow (usually 3)

Public constant

AppVersion - Define something like

Public Const AppVersion As String = "... Version x"

Then “… Version x” will be logged as version information for this application.

See Also

Write-Log, a similar logging function for MS PowerShell.


Please read my Disclaimer.


LoggerFactory contains constants, public variables, default logger settings, and optional autoopen and autoclose subs.

Note: The subroutine Start_Log requires (calls) the subroutines ApplicationVersion and (external link!) getOperatingSystem. These procedures are contained in the download file below.

Option Explicit
'This general module is named LoggerFactory. Together with class module Logger it offers logging functionality.
'Version When         Who             What
'      1 Once upon .. Cliff G.        Initial version
'     11 03-Nov-2023  Bernd Plumhoff  Log interesting Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) infos
'     12 27-Feb-2024  Bernd Plumhoff  New versions of getOperatingSystem and of ApplicationVersion,
'                                     and Show_Reference_Details added.
#Const Separate_Logfiles_for_each_User = False
#Const Use_Logger_auto_Open_Close = True 'Enable auto_open and auto_close subs in here
#Const Logging_on_Screen = True          'IMPORTANT: Also change this constant in class module Logger! We like to see recent run's loggging messages on screen in tab Workflow
#Const Logging_cashed = False            'IMPORTANT: Also change this constant in class module Logger! Write logging messages into file at program end to speed this up
#Const Log_WMI_Info = False              'True shows interesting Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) data
#Const Show_Reference_Details = False    'True: Show all details; False: Just show description
Public GLogger As Logger                 'Global logfile object - variable scope is across all modules
Public GsThisLogFilePath As String
' Constant log levels
Public Const INFO_LEVEL As Integer = 1
Public Const WARN_LEVEL As Integer = 2
Public Const FATAL_LEVEL As Integer = 3
Public Const EVER_LEVEL As Integer = 4 'For logging messages which cannot be switched off
Public Const DISABLE_LOGGING As Integer = 5
'The application-specific defaults
Const DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_PATH As String = "" 'Force error if not set [Bernd 12-Aug-2009]

Public Function getLogger(sSubName As String) As Logger
  Dim oLogger As New Logger
  oLogger.SubName = sSubName
  'Defaults to the specified values - but may be overridden before used
  oLogger.LogLevel = DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL
  oLogger.LogFilePath = DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_PATH
  Set getLogger = oLogger
End Function

#If Use_Logger_auto_Open_Close Then
  Sub auto_open()
  'Version Date        Programmer Change
  '9       12-Sep-2021 Bernd      Code outsorced to Start_Log so that user does not need to use auto_open.
  End Sub
  Sub auto_close()
  'Version Date        Programmer Change
  '3       12-Sep-2021 Bernd      Code outsorced to End_Log so that user does not need to use auto_close.
  End Sub
#End If '#If Use_Logger_auto_Open_Close

Sub Start_Log()
'Version Date        Programmer Change
'3       02-Nov-2023 Bernd      Log interesting Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) infos.
'4       27-Feb-2024 Bernd      Show_Reference_Details added.
Dim i As Long
Dim s As String, sDel As String
#If Log_WMI_Info = True Then
  Dim oWMISrvEx As Object 'SWbemServicesEx
  Dim oWMIObjSet As Object 'SWbemServicesObjectSet
  Dim oWMIObjEx As Object 'SWbemObjectEx
  Dim oWMIProp As Object 'SWbemProperty
  Dim sWQL As String 'WQL Statement
  Dim v As Variant
#End If
If Dir(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Logs\", vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then
  MkDir ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Logs"
End If
If GLogger Is Nothing Then Set GLogger = New Logger
#If Separate_Logfiles_for_each_User Then
  'If AppVersion is not defined please define it in your main module like:
  'Public Const AppVersion As String = "Application Version ..."
  GLogger.LogFilePath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Logs\" & Environ("Userdomain") & _
    "_" & Environ("Username") & "_" & AppVersion & "_" & "Logfile_" & _
    Format(Now, "YYYYMMDD") & ".txt"
  GLogger.LogFilePath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Logs\" & AppVersion & "_" & _
    "Logfile_" & Format(Now, "YYYYMMDD") & ".txt"
#End If
GLogger.LogLevel = 1
#If Logging_on_Screen Then
  GLogger.LogScreenRow = 3
#End If
'Initialize logger for this subroutine
With Application
GLogger.SubName = "Start_Log"
GLogger.ever "Logging started with " & AppVersion
#If Log_WMI_Info = True Then
  Set oWMISrvEx = GetObject("winmgmts:root/CIMV2")
  For Each v In Array("BaseService", "Processor", "PhysicalMemoryArray", "LogicalDisk", "OperatingSystem")
    'Not: "NetworkAdapterConfiguration", "VideoController", "OnBoardDevice", "Printer", "Product"
    Set oWMIObjSet = oWMISrvEx.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_" & v)
    For Each oWMIObjEx In oWMIObjSet
      s = v & ": "
      For Each oWMIProp In oWMIObjEx.Properties_
        If Not IsNull(oWMIProp.Value) Then
          If Not IsArray(oWMIProp.Value) Then
            Select Case v
            Case "BaseService"
              If InStr("'SystemName'", "'" & oWMIProp.Name & "'") > 0 Then
                GLogger.ever oWMIProp.Name & "='" & Trim(oWMIProp.Value) & "'"
                GoTo Next_v
              End If
            Case "Processor"
              If InStr("'Name'Description'NumberOfEnabledCore'AddressWidth'DataWidth'CurrentClockSpeed'LoadPercentage'", _
                "'" & oWMIProp.Name & "'") > 0 Then
                If IsNumeric(oWMIProp.Value) Then
                  s = s & oWMIProp.Name & "=" & Format(oWMIProp.Value, "#,##0") & ", "
                  s = s & oWMIProp.Name & "='" & Trim(oWMIProp.Value) & "', "
                End If
              End If
            Case "PhysicalMemoryArray"
              If InStr("'MaxCapacityEx'", _
                "'" & oWMIProp.Name & "'") > 0 Then s = s & oWMIProp.Name & "=" & Format(oWMIProp.Value, "#,##0") & ", "
            Case "LogicalDisk"
              If InStr("'DeviceID'ProviderName'Size'FreeSpace'", _
                "'" & oWMIProp.Name & "'") > 0 Then
                If IsNumeric(oWMIProp.Value) Then
                  s = s & oWMIProp.Name & "=" & Format(oWMIProp.Value, "#,##0") & ", "
                  s = s & oWMIProp.Name & "='" & Trim(oWMIProp.Value) & "', "
                End If
              End If
            Case "OperatingSystem"
              If InStr("'FreePhysicalMemory'FreeVirtualMemory'FreeSpaceInPagingFiles'MaxProcessMemorySize'InstallDate'", _
                "'" & oWMIProp.Name & "'") > 0 Then s = s & oWMIProp.Name & "=" & Format(oWMIProp.Value, "#,##0") & ", "
            End Select
          End If
        End If
      Next oWMIProp
      If Len(s) > Len(v & ": ") Then GLogger.ever Left(s, Len(s) - 2)
    Next oWMIObjEx
  Next v
#End If
#If Win64 Then
  s = "64"
  s = "32"
#End If
GLogger.ever getOperatingSystem() & " and " & ApplicationVersion() & _
  " (" & s & "-Bit)" '& .Version & .Build & " (" & .CalculationVersion & ")"
GLogger.info "Application ThousandsSeparator '" & .ThousandsSeparator & _
  "', DecimalSeparator '" & .DecimalSeparator & "', " & _
  IIf(Not (Application.UseSystemSeparators), "do not ", "") & "use system separators"
GLogger.info "App.Internl ThousandsSeparator '" & .International(xlThousandsSeparator) & _
  "', DecimalSeparator '" & .International(xlDecimalSeparator) & "', ListSeparator '" & _
  .International(xlListSeparator) & "'"
GLogger.info "App.Internl xlCountryCode '" & .International(xlCountryCode) & _
  "', xlCountrySetting '" & .International(xlCountrySetting) & "'"
End With
With ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References 'In case of error tick box Trust access to the VBA project object
  'model under File / Options / Trust Center / Trust Center Settings / Macro Settings
  s = "VBAProject References: "
  On Error Resume Next
  For i = 1 To .Count
    #If Show_Reference_Details Then
      GLogger.info s
      s = ""
      s = s & .Item(i).Description
      s = s & ", FullPath: '" & .Item(i).FullPath & "'"
      s = s & ", Guid: " & .Item(i).GUID
      s = s & ", BuiltIn: " & .Item(i).BuiltIn
      s = s & ", IsBroken: " & .Item(i).IsBroken
      s = s & ", Major: " & .Item(i).Major
      s = s & ", Minor: " & .Item(i).Minor
      s = s & sDel & .Item(i).Description
      sDel = ", "
    #End If
  Next i
  GLogger.info s
End With
'Now two examples of environment variables which might not exist for all Windows / Excel installations.
'Use Sub List_Environ_Variables below to see which variables exist on your system.
s = ""
s = Environ("CRC_VDI-TYPE") 'If this does not exist we will not log anything
If s <> "" Then GLogger.info "CRC_VDI-TYPE: '" & s & "'"
s = ""
s = Environ("ORACLE_HOME_X64") 'If this does not exist we will not log anything
If s <> "" Then GLogger.info "Oracle Client: '" & s & "'"
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub

Sub End_Log()
'Change History:
'Version Date        Programmer Change
'1       12-Sep-2021 Bernd      Initial version so that user does not need to use auto_close. He can manually call this sub.
If GLogger Is Nothing Then Call auto_open
GLogger.SubName = "End_Log"
'If AppVersion is not defined please define it in your main module like: Public Const AppVersion As String = "Application Version ..."
GLogger.ever "Logging finished with " & AppVersion
#If Logging_cashed Then
  Set GLogger = Nothing 'Necessary, or Class_Terminate() won't be called for GLogger because it's Public
#End If
End Sub


A sample module General which just shows how you could use the logger:

Option Explicit

'Version When         Who             What
'     11 03-Nov-2023  Bernd Plumhoff  Log interesting Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) infos.
'     12 17-Feb-2024  Bernd Plumhoff  Show_Reference_Details added.

Public Const AppVersion As String = "Logging_Version_12"

Sub Logging_Sample()
Dim i As Long

If GLogger Is Nothing Then Start_Log
'Initialize logger for this subroutine
GLogger.SubName = "Logging_Sample"
'Just do something to give log message examples
i = 2
Do While Not IsEmpty(wsData.Cells(i, 1))
    Select Case i
    Case Is < 6
        GLogger.info i & " is a number less than 6"
    Case Is < 9
        Call Logging_Warn(i)
    Case Else
        Call Logging_Fatal(i)
    End Select
    i = i + 1
#If Logging_cashed Then
Set GLogger = Nothing 'Necessary, or Class_Terminate() won't be called for GLogger since it's Public
#End If
End Sub
'You do not need extra subroutines to log warn messages or fatal messages.
'They are just examples of additional subroutines which do some logging.
Sub Logging_Warn(i As Long)
    'Initialize logger for this subroutine
    GLogger.SubName = "Logging_Warn"
    GLogger.warn i & " is 6, 7, or 8"
End Sub
Sub Logging_Fatal(i As Long)
    'Initialize logger for this subroutine
    GLogger.SubName = "Logging_Fatal"
    GLogger.fatal i & " is greater 8"
End Sub

Class Modules

Logger contains the logging functionality.

Option Explicit
'This class module is named Logger. Together with class module LoggerFactory it offers logging functionality.
'Version When         Who             What
'      1 Once upon .. Cliff G.        Initial version
'     11 03-Nov-2023  Bernd Plumhoff  Same version as LoggerFactory, log interesting Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) infos.
'     12 27-Feb-2024  Bernd Plumhoff  Same version as LoggerFactory.
#Const Logging_on_Screen = True 'IMPORTANT: Also change this constant in module LoggerFactory! We like to see recent run's loggging messages on screen in tab Workflow
#Const Logging_cashed = False   'IMPORTANT: Also change this constant in module LoggerFactory! Write logging messages into file at program end to speed this up
Const INFO_LEVEL_TEXT As String = "INFO:"
Const WARN_LEVEL_TEXT As String = "#WARN:"
Const FATAL_LEVEL_TEXT As String = "##FATAL:"
Const EVER_LEVEL_TEXT As String = "EVER:"
Private sThisSubName As String
Private iThisLogLevel As Integer
#If Logging_on_Screen Then
  Private iThisLogRow As Integer
  Public Property Let LogScreenRow(iLogRow As Integer)
    iThisLogRow = iLogRow
  End Property
  Public Property Get LogScreenRow() As Integer
    LogScreenRow = iThisLogRow
  End Property
#End If

Public Property Let LogFilePath(sLogFilePath As String)
  GsThisLogFilePath = sLogFilePath
End Property

Public Property Get LogFilePath() As String
  LogFilePath = GsThisLogFilePath
End Property

Public Property Let SubName(sSubName As String)
  sThisSubName = sSubName
End Property

Public Property Get SubName() As String
  SubName = sThisSubName
End Property

Public Property Let LogLevel(iLogLevel As Integer)
  iThisLogLevel = iLogLevel
End Property

Public Property Get LogLevel() As Integer
  LogLevel = iThisLogLevel
End Property

Public Sub info(sLogText As String)
  If Me.LogLevel = LoggerFactory.INFO_LEVEL Then
    Call WriteLog(LoggerFactory.INFO_LEVEL, sLogText)
  End If
End Sub

Public Sub warn(sLogText As String)
  If Me.LogLevel < LoggerFactory.FATAL_LEVEL Then
    Call WriteLog(LoggerFactory.WARN_LEVEL, sLogText)
  End If
End Sub

Public Sub fatal(sLogText As String)
  If Me.LogLevel <= LoggerFactory.FATAL_LEVEL Then
    Call WriteLog(LoggerFactory.FATAL_LEVEL, sLogText)
  End If
End Sub

Public Sub ever(sLogText As String)
  If Me.LogLevel <= LoggerFactory.EVER_LEVEL Then
    Call WriteLog(LoggerFactory.EVER_LEVEL, sLogText)
  End If
End Sub

Private Sub WriteLog(iLogLevel As Integer, sLogText As String)
  Dim FileNum As Integer, LogMessage As String, sDateTime As String, sLogLevel As String
  Select Case iLogLevel
  Case LoggerFactory.INFO_LEVEL
    sLogLevel = INFO_LEVEL_TEXT
  Case LoggerFactory.WARN_LEVEL
    sLogLevel = WARN_LEVEL_TEXT
  Case LoggerFactory.FATAL_LEVEL
    sLogLevel = FATAL_LEVEL_TEXT
  Case LoggerFactory.EVER_LEVEL
    sLogLevel = EVER_LEVEL_TEXT
  Case Else
    sLogLevel = "!INVALID LOG LEVEL!"
  End Select
  sDateTime = CStr(Now())
  LogMessage = sLogLevel & " " & Environ("Userdomain") & "\" & Environ("Username") & " " & _
    sDateTime & " [" & Me.SubName & "] - " & sLogText
  #If Not Logging_cashed Then
    FileNum = FreeFile
    Open Me.LogFilePath For Append As #FileNum
    Print #FileNum, LogMessage
    Close #FileNum
  #End If
  #If Logging_on_Screen Then
    wsW.Cells(iThisLogRow, 5) = LogMessage
    iThisLogRow = iThisLogRow + 1
  #End If
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
  #If Logging_cashed And Not Logging_on_Screen Then
    Err.Raise Number:=vbObjectError + 513, Description:="Logging_cashed requires Logging_on_Screen"
  #End If
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
  #If Logging_cashed Then
    Dim i As Long, FileNum As Integer, LogMessage As String
    FileNum = FreeFile
    Open Me.LogFilePath For Append As #FileNum
    For i = 3 To iThisLogRow - 1
      LogMessage = wsW.Cells(i, 5).Text
      Print #FileNum, LogMessage
    Next i
    Close #FileNum
  #End If
End Sub


Please read my Disclaimer.

Logging_v12.xlsm [58 KB Excel file, open and use at your own risk]